Red Pine identifies new mineralized zones at Wawa gold project

The War Eagle mining claims exhibit gold showings with similar characteristics to the Wawa Gold project’s highly prospective Darwin-Grace structures, both of which are located in the McMurray Township, Michipicoten region of Ontario.

Highlights of the 2020 and 2021 surface exploration program include:

• Identification of promising zones of gold mineralization in shear zones located on and adjacent to the newly acquired War Eagle claims, with the first set of grab samples containing between traces and 9.40 g/t gold;
• Discovery of a network of parallel quartz veins 290 metres north of the historic Darwin-Grace Mine. Grab samples from 2020 contain 67.90 g/t gold in one vein and grab samples obtained in 2021 contain 19.8 g/t gold in a parallel vein;
• Identification of the Nyman Vein 120 metres east of the main showing with grab samples containing up to 4.10 g/t gold, and
• Identification of a new gold showing located near the historic Moody Pit, 900 metres north-east of the Darwin-Grace Mine, with grab samples from 2020 and 2021 containing between 4.03 and 11.50 g/t gold.

“The Wawa Gold project’s large land package continues to exhibit prolific occurrences of gold mineralization. Our 2021 exploration program includes efforts to expand our knowledge and prioritize these targets for future diamond drilling,” CEO Quentin Yarie said in a press release.

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